Cardinal Power Plant Reaches Impressive Milestone

Cardinal Units

Last September, Cardinal Plant celebrated a significant milestone for continuous operation of all three units for 48.8 days. At that time, this was the longest continuous run of all three units since FGD was installed on any of the units and the second longest run, even prior to the FGD install, in the last 18 years.

However, Cardinal has already beat this record by a significant margin! The run that ended with a planned outage in late March greatly exceeded the mark set last year and is the new record run for all three units since FGD was installed. As of late March, Cardinal Plant had run all three units simultaneously for more than 65 days consecutively, exceeding the company's previous best mark in the “FGD era” by more than 33%. During the run, Unit 1 operated continuously for 93 days prior to the planned outage.

This achievement came as a result of Cardinal Plant's planning and prioritization, dedication of resources and capital, management of risk, and the efforts of the company's employees. The team has been long committed to improving practices, processes, and procedures as they strive to make Cardinal Plant “the last coal-fired power plant standing.”

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